The Digital Marketing Policies for Private Hospitals & Medical Clinics (PHMC) In Singapore

When private hospitals and medical clinics (PHMCs) in Singapore create digital marketing campaigns for medical procedures, they should be extra careful. A single and small mistake can lead to many consequences, such as penalties that could leave a dent in their reputation, causing them to lose the trust of their potential customers.

To prevent these kinds of unfortunate events from happening, PHMCs in Singapore should be familiar with the advertisement regulations. Being compliant and following the rules allows them to interact, connect, and communicate with their customers more accurately with no sugar-coated words.

In this article are seven specific requirements for the content of advertisements and how PHMC should follow them when creating digital marketing campaigns in Singapore.

When private hospitals and medical clinics (PHMCs) in Singapore create digital marketing campaigns for medical procedures, they should be extra careful. A single and small mistake can lead to many consequences, such as penalties that could leave a dent in their reputation, causing them to lose the trust of their potential customers.

To prevent these kinds of unfortunate events from happening, PHMCs in Singapore should be familiar with the advertisement regulations. Being compliant and following the rules allows them to interact, connect, and communicate with their customers more accurately with no sugar-coated words.

In this article are seven specific requirements for the content of advertisements and how PHMC should follow them when creating digital marketing campaigns in Singapore.

7 Specific Requirements for the Content of Advertisements

1. Advertisements Must Be Factually Accurate and Capable of Being Substantiated

Every word in a digital marketing campaign for medical procedures or products must be factual. There should be substantial proof that supports how reliable the content is.

Whether you own a clinic or manage a private hospital, guarantee that all your references have sufficient evidence and validated information. Know that if your digital marketing campaign contains unproven statements, you are giving false hope to your customers and violating the law at the same time.

Therefore, before posting anything on your website, social media, or other platforms, make it a habit to fact-check everything from text to images.

2. Advertisements Must Not Be Offensive, Ostentatious or in Bad Taste

Your social media marketing campaign might become offensive or ostentatious to someone’s perspective if you are unable to discern the differences between specific cultures. Some of your customers would feel unease, fearful, and become less confident about what they want. If your advertisement is distasteful and offensive, that could affect the overall reputation of your institution.

Ensure your digital marketing campaign does not contain words, phrases, sentences, or images that can demean, provoke, distaste, or show indecent (nudity) to customers and impair the medical industry.

3. Advertisements Must Not Create Unjustified Expectations

The country’s healthcare industry is very competitive. According to the last global report of the World Health Organisation, Singapore ranked six as one of the most advanced healthcare systems out of 191 countries.

It is no surprise that many people from other countries travel to Singapore each year to get medical treatment. However, that should not be the reason to set unrealistic expectations solely to differentiate yourself from the competition and increase the sales of your institution.

For example, one of your digital marketing campaigns states your hair growth treatment can achieve the optimal result within a week. When your customer stumbles upon this, they would be hoping for nothing since the outcome might not take effect as early as they expected.

Instead, your digital marketing campaign should inform your customers that the result of a medical procedure may vary depending on their condition, which is why they should not compare themselves with the outcome of others. Doing so should also give them realistic expectations when they undergo medical treatment.

4. Advertisements Must Not Contain ‘before and after’ or ‘after’ Only Pictures

Although comparing pictures is a powerful way to prove something is effective, the PHMC Advertising Regulations Guideline does not allow this kind of digital marketing campaign.

Even if there are disclaimers—photographs, images, videos, or films that include ‘before and after’ or ‘after’ comparisons are not permitted.

However, the medical professional must provide adequate context, clarity, and explanation of the treatment and services. Patients will then be able to make more informed decisions on their own.

5. Advertisements Must Not Contain Laudatory Statements

The PHMC Advertising Regulations Guideline does not allow using superlative words to describe something or someone. In other words, subjective praises, commendations, and compliments are considered laudatory statements.

To avoid using any hyperbolic statements for your digital marketing campaign, here is a list of laudatory statements provided by the Ministry of Health (MOH):

Laudatory Statements Provided By The Ministry Of Health. Image Source: OOm

6. Advertisements Must Not Contain Testimonials or Endorsements

In digital marketing, customer reviews are highly influential. When a potential customer stumbles upon one, it can be a source of encouragement to give the medical procedures or products a try.

Below are platforms where patients, caregivers, and members of the public can provide their direct feedback:

  • The website or social media of the healthcare institution like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc.
  • Any public website or personal social media account of the patients, caregivers or members of the public

The patients, caregivers, or members of the public should never feel pressured or receive valuable incentives when giving their direct feedback regarding the medical procedures or products.

7. Advertisements Must Not Solicit or Encourage the Use of the HCI’s Services.

Any information in digital marketing campaigns that promotes or solicits a customer to use the medical services of a healthcare institution is prohibited.

The following are examples of soliciting and encouraging medical services that you should not do and use in your digital marketing campaigns:

  • Before and after content
  • Instant results
  • Immediate effects within a certain timeframe
  • Leveraging cheaper rates such as ‘promotions,’ ‘packages,’ and ‘discounts’

For payments, patients should get that information at the payment desk of the healthcare institution.


Following rules is essential, especially for first-timers since there is a high chance that you might overlook things. Nonetheless, complying with the PHMC Advertising Regulations Guideline helps establish a good reputation and earn customers’ trust.

Take extra precautions when creating a promotional campaign and make sure you know the digital marketing policies for PHMC in Singapore by heart. Doing so should help you stay out of unwanted troubles from the government and promote your medical practices safely.

If you need help creating a digital marketing campaign for your medical practices, get in touch with our digital marketing agency. Contact OOm as digital marketing agency in Singapore at 6391-0930 at your convenience.


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